Termination Portal

Information for Task Approvers

Log into termination portal application: https://appsprod.tamuc.edu/terminationportal/ using your normal AD credentials.

Click on the “Approve Tasks” menu item:   

                                                            "Approve Tasks" Option

The dropdown list will show all terminations that are not yet complete. For each one, select it from the dropdown list and click the “Go get it!” button. If there are no items in the dropdown, that means there are no open terminations – all tasks have been completed.

                                                                                                The dropdown shows all terminations

You will see details about the termination and a list of all tasks to be completed. Any tasks for which you are an “approver” will show an “Approve” button as shown here (note, this snapshot is from QA - the list of tasks is different, and longer, on production).

                                                      Find the details about the termination

Now, for each task on which you have an “Approve” button you must perform whatever actions are required to terminate that user in each system – for instance, when I terminate a WebFOCUS users I must go into the WebFOCUS admin application and remove the user from the list of users. Each system may require some different action. Some might require no action id everything about that system is AD dependent (since the AD account is disabled automatically by the Termination portal.

After competing whatever actions are required, click the “Approve” button for that system. Once all the “Approve” buttons have been replace with “Task completed…” messages, go back to the dropdown, select another termination, and do it all again.

You may not see the “Email” button (depending on your permissions). If you do see it, just ignore it. It is intended for tool admins to re-send the notifications to the approvers – not something you will need to do.

Also please be aware that, until all tasks by all approvers are complete, you will still periodically get the termination notifications. So, you will need to go back through the dropdowns and see if there are any “Approve” buttons waiting for you.